Authors’ Guidelines

The Language

The manuscript must be written in English (either American or British standard, but not a mixture of both).

Paper Length

The paper's total page count, excluding tables, figures, references, and appendices (if any), should not exceed 30 pages (Arial, 10 Font). Papers with more than 30 pages will be sent back to the authors for condensing. Articles should be typed with wide margins on one side of the paper (ideally A4) in 1.15 spacing, including references. Authors are expected to write as concisely as they can while maintaining clarity.


Title Page

The following information is required on the title page: (a) The author(s)' names; (b) A concise and educational title; (c) The authors' affiliation(s) and the address(es) of the authors (d) The corresponding author's phone number and email address (e) ORCID of the Authors and Co-Authors must be provided.




The author should submit a 200–250-word abstract. There shouldn't be any undefined acronyms or references in the abstract. Avoid citations in the abstract.



The author should provide four to six keywords that can be used for the purpose of indexing.


The article Subdivision

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1, 2. (then 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2), 1.2, etc. The abstract is not included in the section numbering. The italic style should be used in the subtitle with numberings (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc.).


Figures and tables

Present figures and tables within the article, not at the end of the article. Please note that the article will be published in the online version and will contain colorful figures (if any). The table must be provided in APA style. The titles of the tables and figures must be in Arial (8-point font), and the table and figure words with their numbers must be in bold.



The author may include an acknowledgment section at the end of the paper (if any).



The author(s) should follow the latest edition of the APA style in referencing. Please visit to learn more about the APA style.


Citations in the text

Make sure the reference list includes every source that is mentioned in the text (and vice versa). Personal communications and unpublished results may be cited in the text but not in the reference list. When a citation is listed as "in press," it means that it has already been approved for publication.


Reference List

References should be organized alphabetically first, then chronologically.