Notions of Well-being through Urban Architecture and Planning: The Case of 'Course of the Revolution,' Annaba, Algeria
Well-being, Place of ‘The Cours of the Revolution, Morphological analysis, Historical analysis, Quality of outdoor spaces.Abstract
This study aims to research well-being in the city. Well-being refers quite systematically to the notion of an urban atmosphere and the quality of outdoor spaces. In Annaba, the central core of the city inherited from French colonialism, ‘Course of Revolution,’ constitutes one of the last places of ‘well-being’ par excellence for the inhabitants of the city. But mainly the backbone of the creation of the new town of Bône during colonialism. The emblematic artery is both geographically in the center and above all the route in an exceptional way; it is central because of the activities that it brings together and the interest that the population has in it. This centrality continues to operate today and is remarkable everywhere and with everyone. Consequently, a historical reading will allow us to identify the factory, the operating methods of the latter, and its involvement in the creation of the new town of Bône. Moreover, a morphological and functional diagnosis is essential to better understand its design and its components and its various and practical aspects, in the form of micro-developments. This project will serve as a starting point to identify and qualify the relationship between the urban space ‘Cours de le Revolution’ in downtown Annaba and its urban and architectural quality. A region of eastern Algeria, recognized by its rich and diverse urban structure. This diversity will lead us to seek its place and its value in the production of urban space by evaluating its role in strengthening urban resilience.
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