ISSN (online): 2958-8251
Publication Policies
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics in publishing. We adhere to the guidelines for transparency and excellence in scholarly publishing established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).
Editorial Procedures
Fair Play
Manuscripts are evaluated solely on their intellectual merit, without discrimination based on the author's age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality, or political beliefs.
Submission and Acceptance Guidelines
We provide comprehensive submission guidelines outlining our requirements for manuscript preparation, formatting, referencing, and ethical considerations. Authors must adhere to these guidelines to facilitate a smooth review process. Our acceptance criteria are transparent and consistently applied, focusing on the quality, relevance, and integrity of the research. We uniformly enforce ethical standards, including policies on plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflicts of interest.
Content Relevance and Scope Alignment
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture is dedicated to publishing high-quality research that advances understanding in salutogenic design and architecture. We strictly adhere to our stated aims and scope, ensuring that all published content aligns with our focus on salutogenic architectural practices. Manuscripts not fitting within our scope will not be considered for review, maintaining the journal's thematic integrity and providing readers with relevant and focused content.
Editorial Decisions and Appeals
Our editorial decisions are based on objective criteria and are communicated transparently to authors. Each decision—acceptance, revision, or rejection—is accompanied by constructive feedback from editors and reviewers. Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions by providing a detailed response to reviewers' comments. Appeals are thoroughly reviewed, following the same rigorous standards as the initial review, to ensure fairness and consistency.
Multiple Submissions
We uphold strict standards against multiple submissions and redundant publications. Manuscripts under review elsewhere or substantially duplicating content published or submitted elsewhere are not considered. Authors must confirm that their submission is exclusive to this journal and not under consideration elsewhere, ensuring a fair and thorough peer-review process and contributing to the timely and ethical publication of research.
Submissions violating this policy may be immediately rejected. Any cases of multiple submissions or redundancy will be addressed according to the journal's ethical guidelines. Authors are encouraged to fully comply with this policy to maintain high standards of academic publishing and support the dissemination of unique, rigorously vetted research.
Section Policies
- Original Research: Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed
- Review Articles: Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed
- Studies and Articles: Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed
- Case Studies: Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed
- Monographic Studies: Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed
- Book Reviews: Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed
Resolving Inconsistencies
If an author has serious and reasonable objections to a review, the Editorial team will assess whether the review is objective and meets academic standards. If there's doubt about the objectivity or quality of the review, the Editor-in-Chief will assign additional reviewers.
Additional reviewers may also be assigned when reviewers’ decisions (accept or reject) are contrary to each other or otherwise substantially incompatible.
Publishing Schedule
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture publishes one issue per year ( December). Prior to release as a full issue, accepted papers will be published online on the journal's website.
Ethical Standards and Misconduct
Ethical Standards and Anti-Bias
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of editorial integrity and fairness. Our editorial team and reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and treat all submissions impartially. Decisions are based solely on scholarly merit and relevance to the journal's scope, without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy. We enforce ethical practices consistently across all submissions.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest arise when external factors might influence the impartiality or objectivity of the research or its evaluation. Transparent disclosure allows others to make informed decisions regarding the research and its review process. Common types include:
- Financial
- Affiliations
- Intellectual Property
- Personal
- Ideological
- Academic
Data Fabrication and Falsification
We reserve the right to reject manuscripts if any fabrication or falsification of data is detected. This includes plagiarism, submitting the same work to multiple sources, redundant publication, and manipulating citations.
Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
All papers submitted will undergo a plagiarism check using appropriate software. Papers found to contain plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be immediately rejected. We expect all submissions to be original works of the authors. Proper citation and acknowledgment of sources are mandatory. Authors are responsible for ensuring their manuscripts are free from any form of plagiarism, including duplicate publication of their previous work without proper citation. The journal reserves the right to report any instances of plagiarism to the authors' institutions and relevant authorities. By submitting a manuscript, authors agree to these terms and acknowledge that failure to comply may result in sanctions.
Sex and Gender in Research
We encourage authors to follow the "Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER)" guidelines by the European Association of Science Editors (EASE). Authors should clearly distinguish between "sex" (biological) and "gender" (social and cultural) to avoid confusion.
Journal Policy on Ethical Oversight
We adhere to COPE's ethical guidelines, including policies on consent for publication, protection of vulnerable populations, ethical treatment of animals and human subjects, handling confidential information, and responsible business practices. Authors must obtain approval from their institutional ethics committee and provide proof when submitting an article.
Authorship and Contribution
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity in authorship. All individuals listed as authors must have made significant, identifiable contributions to the research and preparation of the manuscript. Authorship should include only those who have actively participated in one or more of the following:
- Conception and design of the study
- Data acquisition
- Data analysis and interpretation
- Execution of the research
- Manuscript writing and revision
Each author must approve the final version of the manuscript, agree to its submission and publication, and be accountable for all aspects of the work.
Contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship but have provided support—such as technical assistance, writing support, or general supervision—should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgments" section with their permission. Transparency in disclosing each contributor's role and any potential conflicts of interest is required. Omission of significant contributors or inclusion of individuals who did not contribute ("guest" authorship) may result in rejection or retraction, in accordance with our ethical guidelines and COPE standards.
Allegations of Research Misconduct
We are firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics in research and publication. We take all reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. Research misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
- Plagiarism: Presenting another's work or ideas as one's own without proper attribution.
- Citation Manipulation: Inappropriately influencing citation metrics by adding irrelevant references.
- Data Falsification/Fabrication: Manipulating research data with the intention of giving a false impression.
- Redundant Publication: Publishing the same material in multiple outlets without proper disclosure.
- Unauthorized Use of Data: Using data or results without permission or acknowledgment.
To detect such misconduct, all submissions undergo rigorous screening, including plagiarism detection software and careful editorial review. We rely on the vigilance of our editorial board, peer reviewers, and the academic community to report any concerns.
Zero Tolerance for Encouraging Misconduct
Under no circumstances will we or our editors encourage, condone, or knowingly allow research misconduct. In the event of any allegation of research misconduct relating to a published article or a manuscript under review, the following steps will be taken:
- Initial Assessment: The Editor-in-Chief conducts a preliminary assessment to determine the validity of the allegation.
- Notification: The corresponding author is notified and given an opportunity to respond and provide supporting evidence.
- Investigation: An impartial investigation is conducted in accordance with COPE guidelines.
- Resolution: Based on the findings, appropriate action is taken, which may include:
- Correction: Issuing a correction or erratum if errors are unintentional.
- Retraction: Retracting the article if misconduct is confirmed.
- Notification: Informing relevant stakeholders, including co-authors and affiliated institutions.
- Documentation: All investigations and outcomes are thoroughly documented.
We follow COPE's Core Practices and Ethical Guidelines throughout our editorial and publication processes, ensuring that decisions are based on objective evidence.
Peer Review Process
Peer Review Statement
For details on our Peer Review Statement, please visit the following link:
Standardized Peer Review
Every submitted manuscript undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer review process. We apply consistent review criteria to all submissions, evaluating them based on originality, relevance to salutogenic architecture, methodological rigor, clarity of presentation, and contribution to the field. Our reviewers follow standardized guidelines to ensure each manuscript is assessed fairly and thoroughly.
Author and Reviewer Communication
We ensure consistent and professional communication with authors, reviewers, and editorial board members. Our correspondence follows standardized templates providing clear instructions, expectations, and updates throughout the submission and review process. Feedback to authors is constructive and detailed, aiming to assist in improving their work. We are committed to prompt responses and transparent communication to foster a collaborative publishing environment.
Publication and Post-Publication Policies
Citation Policies
We adhere to the best practices outlined by COPE regarding citation manipulation. Citation manipulation includes the inclusion of references that do not contribute to the scholarly content and are added solely to increase citation counts for personal gain. Such practices are strictly prohibited.
Authors must ensure that all citations are relevant and contribute meaningfully to their work. Legitimate self-citations addressing valid academic needs are acceptable. Any form of manipulative citation will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript and may lead to further penalties. The journal reserves the right to take appropriate action to uphold the integrity of the academic record. For more details, refer to COPE's recommendations.
Updating Published Papers
When complaints or requests for revisions arise, the Editorial Office, with the help of the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief, thoroughly examines the issues. They may consult university officials or subject experts if needed.
- Corrections: If an error affecting scientific accuracy is found, a correction will be added to inform readers.
- Retractions: We follow COPE's guidelines for retracting articles when necessary.
- Expression of Concern: We adhere to COPE's recommendations for issuing an Expression of Concern.
- Comments and Replies: Readers can submit short letters questioning the results or methods used.
- Addendum: If important details were missed, an addendum can be added to include these results.
Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections
We encourage discussions regarding our published articles through letters to the editor or on moderated platforms like PubPeer. We follow COPE's guidelines regarding post-publication discussions and corrections.
CrossMark Policy
For details on our CrossMark Policy, please visit the following link:
Access, Licensing, and Archiving
Open Access Policy
For details on our Open Access Policy, please visit the following link:
Repository Policy
For details on our Repository Policy, please visit the following link:
Self-Archiving Policy
For details on our Self-Archiving Policy, please visit the following link:
Archiving Digital Version
For details on our Archiving Digital Version policy, please visit the following link:
Article Processing Charge
For details on our Article Processing Charge policy, please visit the following link:
Intellectual Property and Copyright
Journal Policies on Intellectual Property
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture is an open-access journal operating under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license. This allows readers to use and share published materials, provided proper credit is given. We follow COPE's guidelines on intellectual property. For more details, refer to our Copyright, Licensing, and Repository Policy.
For details on our Copyright policy, please visit the following link:
For details on our Licensing policy, please visit the following link:
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture is owned and operated by Al-Riyad Engineering Center .
Administration and Transparency
Any concerns about ethical violations or research ethics should be reported to the Research Integrity team. Reporters can choose to remain anonymous using services like ProtonMail. We may ask authors for data and images, seek advice from editors, or contact institutions to investigate further. We follow COPE's guidelines in these matters. For more information, see Allegations of Misconduct.
Complaints Policy
For details on our Complaints Policy, please visit the following link:
Privacy Statement
For details on our Privacy Statement, please visit the following link:
Journal’s Revenue Sources
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture is funded by Al-Riyad Engineering Center . There are no additional revenue sources.
Data Availability Statement
We are committed to fostering open research and require all manuscripts to include a "Data Availability Statement." This informs readers about the accessibility and availability of the research data associated with the paper. Below are templates for authors to use or modify:
Availability of Data
Data openly available in a public repository with DOIs: The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name] at [DOI link].
Data openly available in a public repository without DOIs: The data supporting the findings of this study are openly available in [repository name] at [URL].
Data derived from public domain resources: The data supporting the findings are available in [repository name] at [URL/DOI]. These data were derived from resources available in the public domain: [list resources and URLs].
Data available within the article or its supplementary materials: The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings are available within the article and its supplementary materials.
Data available upon request due to privacy/ethical restrictions: The data supporting the findings are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Data not available due to restrictions: Due to the nature of this research, participants did not agree for their data to be shared publicly.
Data Sharing and Reproducibility
We follow the FAIR Principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability) for data sharing. If authors do not provide access to raw data without a valid reason, their article may be rejected. All submissions must include a Data Availability Statement, even if no data is included.
General Repositories
If specific repositories are unavailable, authors can use general repositories such as:
- Dryad Digital Repository: Visit the website
- Figshare: Visit the website
- Zenodo: Visit the website
Our journal follows COPE's guidelines on "data sharing and reproducibility." For more information, please see COPE's guidelines.
ORCID Number
We strongly suggest that all authors obtain an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID). ORCID provides a unique and permanent digital identifier, enhancing the discoverability of published work. The ORCID should be included in the author's information at the time of submission, and if the paper is accepted, it will be published along with the submission.
We take great care to ensure all information in our publications is accurate. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information for any purpose and do not make any representations or warranties, express or implied. The opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Journal.
We will not be held accountable for any losses, legal actions, costs, damages, or any other liabilities arising from the use of the information. Authors are responsible for the views expressed in their articles, both legally and morally. The Publisher will not be held responsible for any claims for compensation or damages.
Note: We follow COPE guidelines in handling any accusations.
Duties of Editors
We follow COPE's guidelines on the "Code of Conduct for Journal Editors." For more information, please see COPE's guidelines.
Types of conflicts of interest for editors include personal conflicts, financial conflicts, non-financial conflicts, submissions by an editor, submissions from the same institution, personal relationships, political or religious beliefs, or submissions by a family member or close associate. Our publisher and editors are committed to publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when needed.
Duties of Authors
Authors should ensure that:
- Originality: The work is entirely original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
- Exclusive Submission: The manuscript is not under review with any other journal.
- Significant Contribution: All listed authors have made a substantial contribution.
- Approval of Submission: All authors have approved the final version and consent to submission.
- Ethical Compliance: The research complies with all relevant ethical guidelines.
Credit Author Statement
CRediT allows authors to describe their contributions accurately. When using the CRediT taxonomy, please:
- Assign multiple roles as needed.
- Specify the level of contribution if sharing roles.
- Ensure all contributors review and confirm their assigned roles.
- Select only relevant contribution roles.
- Ensure accuracy and obtain agreement from all authors.
An example of a CRediT author statement:
"Conceptualization: A.B., C.D. Data curation: E.F., G.H. Formal analysis: A.B., E.F. Funding acquisition: A.B. Investigation: C.D., G.H. Methodology: A.B., C.D. Writing—original draft: A.B., C.D. Writing—review and editing: A.B., C.D., E.F., G.H. All authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript."
The corresponding author should act as the liaison between the editor and co-authors, keeping everyone informed.
Duties of Reviewers
Reviewers are expected to adhere to COPE's ethical guidelines. Responsibilities include being prompt, objective, and clearly articulating views with supporting arguments. Confidentiality and consideration for ethical considerations such as disclosure and conflicts of interest are crucial.
Duties of the Publisher
The publisher is dedicated to ensuring the long-term accessibility and preservation of scholarly research. The publisher upholds independent editorial decision-making and takes full responsibility for protecting against scientific abuse, fraud, and plagiarism. In cases of suspected or confirmed misconduct, the publisher will work closely with editors to take appropriate action, including publishing corrections or retracting work.
The Journal of Salutogenic Architecture's publication ethics and malpractice statement has been written in accordance with COPE's general guidelines.